Covid-19 Indonesia

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Indonesia has handled the Covid-19 pandemic much better than the United States. As of June 13, there is a national total of: 37,420 cases, 2,091 deaths, 13,776 recoveries. In West Kalimantan where the seminary is located there have been 267 cases, 4 deaths, and 150 recoveries. In West Kalimantan on 15 March, the governor decided to impose quarantine for all students from kindergarten to senior high school level in the province until a date which is yet to be decided. During the quarantine period, students must stay at their homes for studying. An exception is given for final year senior/vocational high school students on their respective national final examination dates.

The faculty and staff at STK saw this as an opportunity to continue their ministry to students and pastors who were being impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. They loaded up the seminary van with food bags and set out to deliver essential groceries to those who did not have money to purchase what they needed. The reception of these bags of food were a power illustration of how the Christian body is to care for each other. The deliveries were also an opportunity to pray, encourage and worship together God’s grace and provisions.

Sperry reported: “STK is still closed, but the staff are taking turns according to the schedule to be on campus for office hours. Last Saturday, Oni, Bobby and I went to the interior to visit and bring packages of food for the students who are from other provinces and now serving in local churches. We brought 25 packages to about 20 places. The students were so happy to meet us and to thank STK. We started our trip from STK at 6 AM and we arrived back in STK at 11.30 p.m.”

Renovation and Repainting

Sperry reported: Since the students were gone, it was a choice time to do some renovations and begin repainting sections of the school. The climate in Indonesia is very moist and it is not long before things need painting. Students who had no place to go and had to stay on campus were able to repaint on almost every outside part of the building. As you can see from the pictures that students can work from a bamboo scaffold. It would not meet OSHA standards here in the United States. No one was hurt.

Scholarship Support Testimony

“My sur name is Deiby Ketlin Najoan but everyone is campus call me Key. On 2017    I had been challenged to follow the Master Program to be able to teach at STK in the future. It was a big challenge for me because I had finished my Sarjana about 17 years ago. I have never been in formal classes ever since. I never thought before that I would be able to continue my education to the higher level. For me this is a privilege from God and it also means that God wants me to serve Him better. So, I took the challenge and registered to Master Program in STAT (Sekolah Tinggi Alkitab Tiranus) at Bandung city.”

On June 7, 2020 Ketlin was able to pass her exams and defend her Master’s thesis online. Ketlin is married to Herry Korengkeng, who is now a full-time teacher and as well the Student Dean. Ketlin and Herry got married on June 2002 and they have two children, a son who is now 16 years old and a daughter who will turn 7 years old by this coming March (pictured above). Ketlin is excited about teaching at STK.


Your Support Matters!

Ketlin received her Master’s degree through the support of the Faculty Educational Advancement Fund. This fund was supported by Samaritan’s Purse with $55,000.00 and matching funds from API of $15,000.00.

There are currently five faculty members who are working on advanced degrees. Two at the Master’s level and three at the Doctoral level. 

API News and Prayer Requests

  • Pray that the accreditation process will go quickly and smoothly and that our students will be able to graduate this year.
  • Pray for Financial Needs: API reduced its monthly giving to STK beginning in April. There are several reasons for this decision. First, STK had to cancel classes because of Covid19 and therefore the majority of students left STK for their homes. This reduced the cost greatly for STK because students receive room and board. Second, API has been challenging STK to make changes in its tuition program in order to help it become more self-sustaining. Third, since the Covid-19 pandemic financial giving has dropped off considerably. We cannot continue to send more to STK than comes in from our supporters. Please pray about your support to API. Many of you who receive our newsletter do not support the ministry. Consider a small monthly gift now. Make checks out to API – Send to Asian Partners Inc, PMB241, 4974 N. Fresno St., Fresno CA 9372