MINISTRIES Established

Taylor Educational Center (TEC)

The Taylor Educational Center, a ministry of STTK, is a Christian junior high and vocational High School in Sosok, which is about 3 hours drive from the seminary in Pontianak.

There are 8 fulltime teachers and 20 part time teachers with about 400 hundred students.

Award-winning TEC is impacting the Indonesian community through Christian service, opportunity, and hope

The Junior High School and Vocational High School has a major impact on the city of Sosok, through Christian community service.

Each year STTK selects 8-10 students from TEC Vocational High School to work as apprentices. During the 10 week apprenticeship at STTK students are able to explore all of the educational programs offered at the seminary in Pontianak and to experience campus life.

TEC provides a well-rounded bible-based education and prepares students to become independent, innovative thinkers, who desire to serve others with God’s love.

Each year there are spiritual emphasis weeks, where students have an opportunity to commit their lives to Christ. Faculty and seminary students from STTK visit the campus regularly and provide spiritual guidance for TEC students.

TEC has been rated as one of the best academic schools in its region for the past several years and has grown to a 400+ student campus. Our goal is to have Taylor Educational Center equip students for productive careers and cultivate students for Christian service at STTK.

The inclusive environment at STTK has helped create a successful ministry hub for outreach programs and strategy development. STTK students and graduates are actively fostering church plants in more than 400 locations throughout Indonesia.

You can help support this fantastic school!

The Indonesian government notified TEC that it was going to develop new public grade schools in the Sosok area, near TEC. This is great news, because they will be a feeder system to TEC. This is good for STTK as well, because they are drawing students from TEC to come to the seminary for graduate studies.

You can make a difference in a young Indonesian leader by supporting a scholarship at TEC for just $20/month ($240/year).

These young men and women are the future of Indonesia! They are receiving excellent training from a biblical basis at TEC. The average cost for a comparable private Christian school in the United States is $14,500/year.

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