Sperry was leading Bible study for the Brown Shirts when all of a sudden, a teenager slid off her chair and onto the floor. Everyone thought the heat had gotten to her (it was really stuffy and humid). Sperry paused for a moment as two strong boys carried her out. But that was only the beginning!

Afterwards, Sperry and Stephanus were called down to the first floor and told by the head of the high school that this girl had not fainted in the typical sense. Rather, she was possessed by a demon. He said the night before, at the nighttime evangelistic meeting, a prayer of deliverance was prayed over her, along with a dozen or so other students who confessed to also experiencing spiritual oppression. Now, she was having another manifestation like the previous night.

Sperry, Stephanus, and a few of the teachers, spent the next 2 hours casting out her demon(s).

Another 2 girls then approached; one said she also had a demon (or demons) in her. So the group prayed to cast them out. More screaming and writhing on the floor! The blood curdling screams, tightly clenched teeth, and violent flailing of limbs on the ground was all a bit disconcerting and frightening for the students. Several buttons popped off one girl’s shirt as she struggled, so a female student held her shirt closed as they prayed and she was delivered! The 3rd girl requested to burn her fetishes. The fetishes were brought out to the courtyard and burned while all of the student looked on. This was a powerful statement of breaking away from the old ways and embracing Christ as savior.

This is a great reminder that there is still a powerful spiritual battle going on for the lives of these young people. Praise the Lord these young men and women were at TEC where they heard the Gospel and were able to have powerful Christian leaders to rid them of these demonic forces.

TEC Evangelism and Demonic Confrontation burning jimat

This is a great reminder that there is still a powerful spiritual battle going on for the lives of these young people.

Praise the Lord these young men and women were at TEC where they heard the Gospel and were able to have powerful Christian leaders to rid them of these demonic forces.