MinistrieS Established

Taylor Educational Center
(Junior High & High School)

Karraker Vocational Center
(Community Development)

The “Three Self Movement”

The philosophy of our founder, “Opa Williams” was a strong belief in the “Three Self Movement”. He believed that any indigenous organization over time needed to be “Self-governing, Self- supporting and Self – propagating (raising up indigenous leadership).”  No indigenous organization should be dependent or controlled by a foreign agency.

Therefore, API has sought to help STTK become Self-governing, Self-supporting and Self-propagating. The Board of API met twice in Singapore with the leadership of STTK in to make plans for this transition. Our goal was met in December 2022, when API turned all of the assets (Karraker Vocational Center, Taylor Educational Center, and a sizeable building fund) over to STTK so they can determine their own future. We believe STTK has a bright future as the capital of Indonesia is moving from Jakarta in Java, to Kalimantan.

Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kalimantan (STTK) Seminary

Founded in 1983, the Kalimantan Theological Seminary is the top-rated educational institution in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in theological studies. The school functions as an instrument to train and equip young Indonesian people for church planting and community-building activities.

A model of success in advanced educational opportunities

STTK students embrace three tenets:

  • Academic excellence
  • Spiritual character and accountability
  • Ministry work

Beyond classroom instruction time, students are required to participate in ministry activities each weekend, so they are both student and teacher from the beginning of their time at STTK. Because of this model, STTK produces graduates with a mature spiritual life, high academic qualifications, and skills for practical service in an Indonesian context. Graduates of STTK serve as pastors, evangelists, and teachers in their communities.

Historically, there has been division between the native Indonesian tribes. But, from its beginning, STTK has worked to build unity among the community of believers; the student body is made up of students from many tribes, all working together to build God’s kingdom. The inclusive environment at STTK has helped create a successful ministry hub for outreach programs and strategy development. STTK students and graduates are actively fostering church plants in more than 400 locations throughout Indonesia.



API also helped establish the 7th-12th grade Taylor Educational Center, which raises up young people with educational and vocational skills in a Christian environment.

TEC is producing young men and women who have a passion for ministry and who may attend STTK in the future. TEC also provides a stream of income for STTK.

Karraker Vocational Center (KVC)

Karraker Vocational Center’s mission is to train rural-bound Indonesian pastors how to organize agriculture-based community development initiatives, in the regions where they serve.

API helped STTK buy 125 acres called Karraker Vocational Center where community development projects like fishponds, rubber trees, raising pigs and chickens could be established and produce income for the sustainability of STTK. Students can also be trained in these skills and use them in their ministry locations.

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